Dear, Community Members of Apac
I am very happy to be able to have the opportunity to write you this letter. Let me introduce myself. My name is Kate and I am an eighteen year old Canadian. I was very happy to get in touch with Hellen Owani and Christian Upliftment Primary School several years ago when I wanted to help a school in Uganda. Many of the children I sponsor were refugees from Northern Uganda. They shared their stories with me, and I knew that they were the lucky ones to be in Kampala. Hellen has told me about Apac and the situation of Northern Uganda, and it has since never left my mind.
Over the years that I have been helping the school in Kampala and I have realised how much even a basic education can transform a life. It is through the determination and hard work that the students of CUS have shown, that motivated me to also want to give the same opportunities to children in Apac. I know that despite the obstacles Apac children have faced and are faced with, with an education they can shine.
Building a school takes a lot of time and patience. Here in Canada, I am fundraising and letting everyone know how they can help. It is far from only being efforts on my part, there is an entire support system who are working at making the school a reality. This includes individuals from around the world who are praying, donating, and spreading awarness. My dream is that this school will be a place where children from all different backgrounds, religions, villages, and those with disabilities are always welcome. No child will be denied an education. I promise that I will keep working with you to build this great school and continue to stay when it opens.
I have a small request for the community members as well as the future students. Community members, parents and guardians, encourage your children to be at school everyday. With a good education they can become anything they want to be, doctors, lawyers, teachers, accountants, just to name a few. To the future students of the Apac School. You are the future of your community and nation. You can become great things if you work hard. Come to school everyday, respect your teacher and classmates and always try your best! If we all work together we can accomplish great things. I would be honoured if you all would like to choose and agree on a name for the future school. My heart is with you all, Kate.
Hellen and the village chief.

Many parents and guardians came along with children to learn more about the project. Men and woman alike have been so supportive(and excited) about the project! They have already arranged who will be volunteering with what. This is most definitely, 'the icing on the cake'!

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