Hellen and the village chief.

Bottom row(left to right)
1)Agee Darphine is 4 years old and is not in any other school. Her favorite activites are sleeping and playing with toys. Her ambition is to be a nurse. She is a complete orphan living with neighbours. *
2)Akullu is 4 years old and is not in any other school. Her favorite activites are running and laughing. Her ambition is to be a doctor. She is a complete orphan living with siblings.*
3)Akello Rebecca is 4 years old and is not in any other school. Her favorite activities are playing with toys and running. Her ambition is to become a teacher. She is a complete orphan living with siblings.
4)Agole Monica is 4 years old and is not in any other school. Her favorite activity is to laugh. Her ambition is to become a doctor. She is a complete orphan living with relatives. *
5) Akumu Mercy is 4 years old and is not in any other school. Her favorite activity is to sleep and run. Her ambition is to become a doctor. She is a complete orphan living with siblings.
6)Okello Patric is 4 years old and is not in any other school. His favorite activity is to play with toys and to run. His ambitions it to become an engineer. He is a complete orphan living with siblings.
Top row
7) Aciro is 4 years old and is not in any other school. She did not have a favorite activity( she listed crying first because she though it meant something you do frequently) She would of liked to be a pilot. Her mother is mentally ill. *
(Sadly, Aciro has since passed away due to malnutrition.)
8) Ocen Daniel is 5 years old and is not in any other school. His favorite activity is to dance. His ambition is to become a doctor. He lives with his parents in extreme poverty.
9)Akullu Martha is 4 years old and is not in any other school. Her favorite activity is to laugh and sing. Her ambition is to become a social worker. She is a complete orphan living with neighbours.
10)Atim rita is 4 years old and is not in any other school. Her favorite activity is to dance. Her ambition is to become a doctor. She lives with her mother and siblings. *
11)Apio Elizabeth is 4 years old and is not in any other school. Her favorite activity is to run and sleep. Her ambition is to become a doctor. She lives with her parents and siblings who are unemployed. *
12) Eborng Rachel is 4 years old and is not in any other school. Her favorite activity is to play with toys and laugh. Her ambition is to be a secretary. She lives with her parents, who are both ill.