Friday, 14 May 2010
We will be back!
Monday, 4 January 2010
Poles: 6 more stars needed.

Saturday, 2 January 2010
Be a star: Wood Preservation

To purchase a star, please make your donation of $6 on the right hand side of this blog. Send an e-mail to with the name you would like on the star, your country or city, and a photo(optional)! I will send you an image of your star before they are in Uganda, and when they make it there!
Sunday, 27 December 2009
Friday, 18 December 2009
Countdown: 8 days left
Raffle tickets are $2 per ticket and $5 for 3. The prizes are:
1st Prize... $150 Prepaid Visa Card
2nd Prize...$50 Walmart Gift Card
3rd Prize...$25 Chapters Gift Card
4th Prize...$10 Tim Horton Gift Card
5th Prize...$10 Tim Horton Gift Card
Not only do you have the chance to win great prizes, you are helping provide children with an education, which will allow them to have a brighter future. How amazing is that!?
We still have our gift certificates for sale. These would make great gifts as i'm sure no one on your list has had the honor of having their name in an African school before!
Happy Holidays!
Sunday, 6 December 2009
Just in time for Christmas!
..And we happend to have made these beautiful certificates just for the occasion!
The above is a sample certificate and stretched out a bit. It says,
In honor of: ___________ 112.00 has been donated to The Apac School Project to purchase building tools to build the school. In recongnition and appreciation of this donation, your name will be added to the front entrace.
Where you purchase something off of the shopping list in full ( example $112.00 for building tools) not only will your honored one receive a certificate, their name will also be added to the school once it's built! Once that happens, they will receive an updated photo with the picture of their name, right there in the entrance of the school.
Here is the shopping list! Please note that $2 has been added to each of the origional prices to help cover the amount paypal takes from each donation. This way 100% of your donation goes to the building of the school.
50 kg of Nails: $22.00
Wood Preservation: $24.00
Labour:$ 29.00
Pian Hooks: $29.00
Purchase of land(share):$ 52.00
Transportation of materials: $57.00
Timbers: $69.00
Building tools: $ 113.00
Building Stones: $136.00
Iron sheets:$2,517. (Share available for $100.00)
How to get a certificate? You can either have it sent to you via e-mail to be printed, or I can send you a certificate which is printed on high quality laser paper. It will also come with a special little Ugandan suprise! If you are in the Canada/USA, the deadline to have mailed to you will be Saturday the 19th.
Happy Holidays!
Tuesday, 1 December 2009
We have two new prizes which have been added! They are two $10.oo Tim Hortons gift cards! I know you Canadians out there will put them to good use :)
So once again, here are the prizes!
1st Prize..$150 Visa Gift Card
2nd Prize..$50 Walmart Gift Card
3rd Prize..$25 Chapters Gift Card
4th Prize..$10 Tim Hortons Gift Card
5th Prize..$10 Tim Hortons Gift Card
I think the best prize of all will be getting the school built!